
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Moving Along

What does it mean to move on from a hurt that has been inflicted on you? I've been told that I don't do this. I've been told that I dig the hurt up and throw it back at people.

Yes, I suppose I do. But we forget one thing. When you hurt someone,  you scar them and that hurt changes your emotional features and how you see yourself and what you feel you deserve. You can forgive and be in right standing with someone but at the first sign of betrayal -even if it's a false alarm - the hurt comes pouring back afresh leaving you wondering how you ever thought you had "moved on". It boils down to remembering that pain and running away from ever feeling it again even if it means going on an angry rampage to chase the preditor away.

I feel I have moved on, but being treated the way I was before triggers that hurt again. and whether you like it or not I will always look over my shoulder hoping you won't deal that same blow again.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Joburg vibes

Every Tuesday Shikisha hosts what they call the Homegrown  Live Sessions. Some sessions are bigger than others depending on the band being hosted. On this particular night, our sights were set on the bands Uju and The Fridge.

Uju is unfamiliar to me. One could describe their sound as  a rough, edgy amalgamation of emotions. From the lead singer's booming,  bold voice to the dramatic drumming, these guys really seek to have you sitting up straight from the word go with their music and more than occassional poetic outbursts. The Uju experience can only be described as spontanious.

The Fridge. This three piece band has compelled me to go on some of my greatest adventures into the heart of Joburg. Adventures that have made me fall deeper in love with the City of Gold and with music itself.

From the very first time I heard Samthing Soweto, lead singer of The  Fridge sing, I was mesmerised. His voice to me created the imagery of the ripples formed when pouring syrup - yes, syrup! His voice is a combination of control and playful spontinaity. Muthusi, the band's bass guitar and rhythm guitar player has often declared himself a lover of the jazz chords. When playing live he spends more time on the bass guitar while the 6 string is saved for the more intimate songs, but I  have often had to physically count the strings to make sure it is in fact a bass being played because he sometimes rocks out full chords on it! Ade, the drummer is never satisfied with the simple beats often toying around with the rims of his snare and tom toms. I am yet to hear a drummer that is as descreetly prominant as he.

I'm learning very quickly that  Joburg is alive with the sound of music. All you need to do is find the particular music that you love and then just follow it!

Authentic Sunday

Remember those nights out that you just never look forward to,  but once you drag yourself out of the house, that night goes down in your personal history as one of the best nights ever? Well, Sunday was such a night for me. My bestie demanded a night out in  Soweto for a belated birthday celebration. I knew I wouldn't hear  the end of it if I said no so I threw on my old All Stars  and dragged myself out - did I get the surprise of my life!!

Ask any HIP HOP lover that lives in the south of Joburg what Authentic Sunday is and they'll tell you. In Soweto, behind Bara Taxi Rank lies  hidden  The Zone 6 venue. This company that calls themselves Authentic Sundays hires the place out on a quarterly basis to host an event by the same name. It is fondly described as "Soweto's biggest freshest hangout session."

Authentic Sundays is a group of creatives and marketing graduates whose main objective in having Authentic Sundays is to bring to the Sowetans the party that many of them travel to the North for.

I'm not much of a "HIP HOPPER"  myself but as I look around at this setting that is completely new to me, nobody here cares about my awkwardness. As long as drink is in hand, friends are at arms reach and HIP HOP is blaring in the open plan venue, everyone is happy. It might as well be Friday night and not Sunday afternoon. Cameras are flashing from cellphones to digital cameras to the photo booth that is complete with props for those crazy photo's! Promotional girls (where are the boys?) are everywhere promoting - well everything and  soon after the fire works ( "How did City Counsel agree to that?" my friend wonders out loud!) people will make their way into the main venue for the dj's and later whatever popular group has been hired.