The most daunting thing you can say to me! Let me elaborate.....
I like getting things right. And getting things right for me means getting a nice and neat list of how I got that thing right so that next time I do that thing I know what to do. Unfortunately, teaching does not allow for such lists because there are so many different factors that make the thing (teaching) go "right". If I'm this bad when it comes to teaching, you can imagine how bad I get when it comes to a relationship of any nature. I often ask the other person this question, "why do you like me so much?" and the response I often get is, " I don't know. just coz you're you." What does that even mean?! How, pray tell, do you expect me to draw up my "get it right list" with that response? What if I carry on "being myself" and you change your mind- being myself would then prove redundant wouldn't it?
I realised though, that that's the problem. The fear of getting it wrong and being moved from the good books is constantly wrestling with the fact that I am enough..... So forget the list! I'm gonna stick to being myself because that's enough. Plus, it does away with the admin of the list.....
Here goes nothing...