Monday, May 17, 2010


A few days ago, my cousin came home from watching a soccer game at a friend's house, casually told his youngest brother to look after his son then walked into his room and put a bullet in his head. No one saw it coming; there were no warning bells in his behaviour or his life. He just shot himself, seemingly out of the blue.

The tragic news got me thinking about the concept of hope. It saddens me to think that so many people out there don't have it.They have families and all the material things money can buy yet they look at their lives and see emptiness; a black abyss. They have nothing to hope for.

I count it a privillege that I have Jesus who will always be there, even if my family disowns me and I lose all my riches. I'm humbled by the knowledge that I need not carry my burdens on my own. Jesus doesn't share them with us, instead he takes them upon himself even though we are so often directly responsible for them.

May you know the peace of Christ today. May you know that there is no situation too desperate or too hopeless that He cannot deliver you from it. May you know that to come to your rescue, he would cross mountains, part seas. For you, he would walk through fire; He would suffer through cruel beatings and rejection.May you know that He has done all of this already and he would do it all again. For you.

1 comment:

  1. WOW Nolo, this was really good! i nearly cried as i read it because sometimes life feels like it's gonna swallow you... I know for sure that my hope is in Him alone, life isn't for the faint hearted, it's a jungle out there.
