When I first started this blog, I was my only follower ( I know, who does that? Don't worry, I removed myself though,hehe!). Every time someone new started following me, I would get as excited as the day I got my driver's license (i.e over-the-moon excited!). But then I hit 7 followers and not only were the numbers at a standstill, but even those few followers never commented on anything I wrote which got the notion in my head that I was talking to myself!
At first this made me think to myself, " Myself, You are such a lonely loser!". But after a while I sort of grew accustomed to that feeling you get when you are talking to a lot of people who are just not listening to you.Until one day, a friend left a message on my facebook wall saying how much she enjoyed my blog and how deep my thoughts are (my thoughts are deep? wowza!)but she was not an official follower and I realised; " holy crap,people are listening! I'm not actually talking to just myself! Now I must actually pay attention to what I write about!"
Since the message on my wall, it's been like all my friends who are my closet readers (that's what I'm going to call all you secret readers!) have started coming out of the closet as it were, which has made me more and more aware of the virtual eyes that are probably on me, YIKES, I'm in trouble!
Thanks to this new revelation, I have 2 pieces of writing sitting in my drafts folder that I'm too shy to post because they sound lame to me now that I know that people are going to read them! *sigh* Will I ever get past my petty insecurities? time will tell I guess...
It's great to come to a realization that what you write has value, not just to you, but to someone else out there.