Thursday, December 30, 2010

Mother Hen

Having a huge family brings with it alot of  drama but also alot of perks! I have 2 family members that are home for the festive season from Gauteng and they so kindly offered to take some of my stuff with them when they drive back in January. Whether they offered to take my stuff with them or I nudged them in the right direction or I blatantly asked them, is a matter of opinion!

Anyway, my mom thought we should take advantage of such kindness and  so we set out  to fill a box with stuff we thought I'd need for my new abode. Initially, the thought was just to pack a dinner set and maybe some clothes to lighten my load when I travel up to  Joburg. But before I knew it,  my mom had me packing  small salad dishes, knives, forks, spoons,teaspons and tupperware that is allegedly as old as I am and, on top of that offered to buy me dish clothes and glasses to put in another box - because Joburg doesn't sell this stuff right?

The funny thing is,  when we were done taking all these 'tid bits' from my mom's endless collection of kitchenware, one could not see the difference; We had packed  so much, but so much was still left. I guess being a borderline hauder has its perks just as family does!

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